News — locs
Nola Darling and Her Beautiful Hair - She's Gotta Have It
Let's Talk Baby Hair & Edge Control. Cool or No?
Absolutely cool! Right? They finish off the perfect hair style. Even the not so perfect hair style. But don't get it twisted. There's a limit to everything and you gotta protect your edges.
How Often Should I Use Edge Control? Anything done in excess is just not a good idea. As we know, the edges of your hair is fragile. Edge control is oil based and that's a good thing. However, be careful not to stress the edges by over brushing or over manipulating them. Especially if you use a holding spray to set them. (Only use holding...
Should I lock my natural hair? That is the question. Locking your hair is a serious commitment and it takes dedication and vision to see it through. As a natural hair care professional I get asked lots of questions about the lock journey. Questions from: How should I start my locks, comb twists, 2 strand twists, or free form? To: Ahhhh! I’m so bored with my hair, should I cut my locks? Some I can answer, some only the client themselves can answer. And Youtube is great but sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, because of all...